Hinweise zur Suche mit Platzhaltern: "+" Plus: Sucht gleichzeitig mehrere Begriffe innerhalb eines Beitrags "*" Sternchen: Es wird nach Begriffen gesucht, die den Wortanfang, bzw. dem Wortende entsprechen. " "" " Anführungszeichen: Sucht genau nach den eingegebenen Begriff(en) zwischen den Anführungszeichen

Legal Notice

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

  • Internet project support

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Public Relations/Social Media
Scharnhorststr. 34-37
10115 Berlin
Post code: 11019 Berlin
V.i.S.d.P. Tobias Fresenius
Phone: +49 (0)30-18 615-0
Fax: +49 (0)30-18 615-5208
Email: info@bmwi.bund.de


  • In collaboration with

Kompetenznetzwerk Trusted Cloud e. V.

Lichtstr. 43h
50825 Köln

Phone: +49 (0)221-700048-157
Fax: +49 (0)221-700048-111
Email: geschaeftsstelle[at]trusted-cloud.de

Managing Director: Thomas Niessen

Register of associations no. : VR 34846 B

Register of associations: District Court of Berlin Charlottenburg

Amtsgerichtsplatz 1
14057 Berlin


  • Realisation and current operation

]init[ - Aktiengesellschaft für digitale Kommunikation
Köpenicker Straße 9
10997 Berlin


Tips for users

The Ministry uses the web tracking tool Matomo (formerly known as Piwik) (https://matomo.org/) to obtain anonymous data about user visits to our websites. These data can be used to produce user profiles under a pseudonym. Small text files known as "cookies" are saved by your browser when you use the Ministry's internet service. The cookies placed on your computer are solely used to draw conclusions about the user patterns on the Ministry's websites and to regularly review the information service we provide to the users. No personal data are retained or passed on to their parties. It is possible to withhold or withdraw consent to the future collection and storage of data at any time.